Phone Number

(+234) 80-5709-9966


ATLANTIC BLUEWATER has the manpower and equipment to cut & bevel lines ((topside & underwater) & tank) anywhere in Nigeria & Africa. We sold largest stock cold cutting/beveling machines in Nigeria. Our Partner- E.H. Wachs is the world’s premier manufacturer of portable cold cutting and beveling machine tools. ATLANTIC BLUEWATERs cold cutting method is the safest means available to cut existing pipe. No sparks or open flames are present at any time during the cutting & beveling process effectively eliminating the risk of ignition of contents. All our wachs split frame cutting machines are portable, low profile requiring minimum operation clearance and lightweight-even the largest ring assembly is less than 100 Ibs

WE HAVE THE SOLUTION: Perform all your weld prepping by Cold Cutting. Here are the few additional advantage of cold cutting over traditional torch cutting:

  • Safer: No spark or flame to ignite combustibles - lines no longer require to be purged.
  • Can be operated in much tighter spaces where minimal radial clearance is available.
  • Greater Precision: No hand grinding involved - eliminates rework.
  • More complex bevels such as Compound and J prep are available.
  • Out-of-round pipe is no longer an issue with the use of out-of-round attachments.


ATLANTIC BLUE-WATER has highly trained field technicians ready to be deploy to any job site or right-ofway. Our technicians perform hundreds of cold-cuts every year in facilities onshore/offshore Nigeria. Whether you need one cut made in an emergency or an entire plant cut for disassembly. We will complete your project on time, efficiently and accurately while maintaining priority

  • Reference specifications:
  • Current Range: 0.75 in. up to 74 in: (1 9.05mm to 1 880mm)
  • Wall Thickness: Up to 7.5 in.(1 90.5 mm)
  • Pipe Material: All
  • Storage Tanks: Yes (Via Hydroietting with RGL-UK)
  • Cutting through Coating: Yes
  • Application: Topside & Underwater
  • Bevel Type: All standard + custom bevels/landings &
  • Combination bevels


ATLANTIC BLUEWATER have in-country, CARBER state-of-the-art pipe isolation and weld test tools. The CARBER tools have been used in the North American refining and petrochemical industry for more than 20 years and are recognized as the best technology available. We have the support of CARBER’s & E.H WACHS technical resources to help determine solutions to difficult and unusual pipe isolation and test situations including the design and manufacture of custom isolation and test tools.
Our Isolation Service provides a better way to isolate pipe for hot-work than traditional methods. The patented CARBER & WACHS Isolation tool safely isolates a line for hot-work, guaranteeing safe keeping of property, equipment and personnel creating a proven, 100% positive pressure vapor barrier against residual contents in the pipe. ATLANTIC BLUEWATER technicians are ready to isolate your lines to make your hot-work project safe, allowing your project to be done quickly, at a lower cost and significantly reduced risk when compared to traditional method.

  • Isolation Benefits:
  • Ability to monitor seal and ensure safety of hot-work.
  • Triple vapor barriers; one positively pressured.
  • Vent upstream activity safely away from hot-work.
  • Vent gauge to monitor upstream activity.
  • Pressure restraining capability in the event of upstream pressurization
  • Our Isolation Service eliminates much of the prep-work associated with a tie in such as:
  • Numerous blinds/scaffolds can be eliminated
  • Extensive steaming and cleaning can be eliminated, as lines do not need to be 100% gas free
  • Can be under supplied air; required while isolation is in place

Reference Specifications: Current Size Range: 1 /2" in. up to 12 in. (1 00mm to 300mm) Larger sizes can be custom built. Pipe Material: All


Our Weld Test Service utilizes patented technology for a safer, quicker, and cheaper way to hydrotest new welds. The CARBER & E.H WACHS proprietary weld testing technology allows a single weld to be isolated and hydrotested without the need to fill the entire line or system.
Single welds are isolated during the hydrotest, significantly reducing the amount of test medium used. Most applications only require ounces of medium to complete a hydrotest. Our Weld Test service is fully capable of meeting ASME 83 1 . 1 /B31 .3 standards as well as ASME BPV V & Vlll, API 510 & 570. Our weld test technology can hydrotest welds beyond 7000 psi. Advantages of the CARBER & E.H WACHS Weld Test Services

  • Perfect for testing tie-in welds on existing piping systems; eliminates installation of hydro blinds.
  • Can test gasket faces; including newly machined surfaces.
  • No post-hydro dry out phase required; n• can be circulated through the tool to dry moisture.
  • Ability to use test medium that is best for the system (e.g, glycol , mineral oil, peanut oil, etc.).
  • Can be used simultaneously with CARBER & E. H Wachs Isolation tools for lines 8 in. (203.2 mm) and larger.
  • Virtually no contained energy in the tool during testing due to small amounts of medium.
  • Lightweight system eliminates the need for heavy lifting equipment (i.e., 42 in. XS tool is 242 lbs. with heaviest component only weighing 83 Ibs)

Our technology can eliminate the time and cost associated with many of these operations. Step 1 : Cold -cut & bevel the line. This saves time and lowers cost by reducing cleaning associated with hot-work and simultaneously cutting and beveling the pipe. Safety is increased through the elimination of hot -work. Step 2: Isolate line for hot-work. This step also eliminates extensive cleaning traditionally work. This step also eliminates extensive cleaning traditionally associated with this task. Safety is increased through a constantly monitored 1 00% positive pressure vapor barrier present during the welding process. Step 3: Hydrotest the new weld. Significant time and cost is saved during by avoiding filling the entire test medium an reclaiming it after the test is complete